What’s Good for the Climate Can Be Good for Growth Too

What’s Good for the Climate Can Be Good for Growth Too

The OECD report Investing in Climate, Investing in Growth released today shows that there need not be a trade-off: combining climate change and pro-growth measures, and in some countries a judicious recycling of carbon tax revenues, can lead to long-term inclusive growth as part of a “decisive transition” to decarbonisation

Testcase carbon pricing Dutch SME’s leads to insight and action

In recent months, a testcase with carbon pricing has been carried out with three medium sized enterprises (SME’s) from the province of North Brabant, the Netherlands. The participants calculated their carbon footprint and gained insight into what a price on CO2 means for their own business.

Financial Actors Take Note: expanded carbon pricing poses real, but manageable, 'transition' risks

I4CE has published a series of three Climate Briefs on the management of climate-related risks by financial actors, focusing specifically on three questions:

  • Why should financial actors align their portfolios with a 2°C pathway to manage transition risks?
  • How could financial actors manage their exposure to climate risks? 
  • How should financial actors deal with climate-related issues in their portfolios today?

This blogpost rapidly summarizes these three Climate Brief presents an overview of the topics covered and the main conclusions. The three briefs are available on the I4CE website

The debate about Australia’s low-carbon future has been reignited

The debate about Australia’s low-carbon future has been reignited

As the leading business association dealing with climate change in Australia, the Carbon Market Institute has been at the centre of policy discussions to ensure a business voice is represented in the design and implementation of effective and stable climate policy. This article describes how the inevitability of reformed energy and climate policy in Australia, and new low-carbon developments in the Region, have reignited the debate about the country’s low-emissions future.

International coalition mulls carbon pricing for shipping

International coalition mulls carbon pricing for shipping

The Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC) launched a new initiative to progress the use of carbon pricing as a tool to enable the shipping industry’s decarbonisation and switch away from fossil fuels. The initiative will be co-chaired by Johannah Christensen (Director, Global Maritime Forum) and Tristan Smith (UCL/UMAS), supported by CPLC Partners including the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund.

Carbon pricing is on the rise: How your business can benefit

What do HSBC, China, LafargeHolcim and California have in common? Despite the continuing debate in some corners about the ways and means of climate change, they are getting down to business — assigning a price to carbon pollution and then letting the market uncover profitable emissions reductions opportunities.