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COP22 GCAA Business and Industry Day

COP22 GCAA Business and Industry Day 9th November

At COP22 in Marrakesh there will be a series of thematic sessions organised as part of the Global Climate Action Agenda led by the Climate Champions. The Business and Industry Champions sessions will be co-facilitated by CDP and We Mean Business, partnering with UN Global Compact and La Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM).

The Paris Agreement builds upon the Convention and for the first time brings all nations into a common cause to undertake take ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries to do so. As such, it charts a new course in the global climate effort. Business has a particularly important role to play in implementing the Paris goals. Not only is the private sector a major source of greenhouse gas emissions but it is also crucial to implementing a transformation to a prosperous and sustainable global low-carbon economy.

France and Morocco's global climate champions have set out their detailed agenda to boost cooperative action between governments, cities, business, investors and citizens to cut emissions rapidly and help vulnerable nations adapt to climate impacts and build their own clean energy, sustainable futures. The Action Agenda is an important support and catalyst to the early and effective implementation of the landmark Paris Climate Change Agreement.

Under the Global Climate Action Agenda there has been a flourishing of business and investor initiatives demonstrating both ambition and action. The momentum which was first captured at COP20 in Lima was demonstrated at scale in Paris. Now in Marrakesh and following the entry-into-force of the Paris Agreement, a clear direction of travel is visible which leads to climate action in line with the goals agreed in Paris.

The Business and Industry dialogue session will be dedicated specifically to the topic of carbon pricing, reflecting the extraordinary extent of cross-sectoral collaboration that has developed around this issue since COP21, as exemplified by initiatives such as the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition. We will bring together high-level representatives of Parties, private sector representatives and subject experts from NGOs and IGOs in order to reflect on how increasing activity by Non-Party Stakeholders may lead to recommendations to Parties for action at national or international level.