Implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement 6 November 2017, 13:30-15:00,
Cities & Regions Pavilion, COP23, Bonn
SESSION OBJECTIVES Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (PA) addresses the issue of “cooperative approaches” under the Paris Agreement. A significant part of it aims to create the framework to ensure that international markets can be a tool to meet National Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the PA. After COP 21 in Paris, negotiators have a mandate to create a rulebook to ensure that this, and other parts of the PA become operational. Negotiators are aiming for completing this task in 2018 at COP 23. This side event is an opportunity for stakeholders to be briefed by and enter in discussion with some of the most knowledge participants in these negotiations to understand the progress and challenges towards the implementation of Article 6 of the PA.
Two years after the adoption of the Paris Agreement, negotiators are convening in Bonn to continue discussions on the details of its implementation.
Negotiations on the implementation of Article 6 have been progressing since COP22 and the latest sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies. However, more needs to be done to fully operationalise this article.
Against this backdrop,ERCST/ICTSD and IGES, supported by ICAP, are organising this COP23 side event to discuss progress and challenges towards implementing Article 6. The event will be informed by a few, select experts and an ensuing open debate on how to drive progress towards operationalising international cooperation under the Paris Agreement.
13:30 – 13:40 Opening remarks by the organisers
Andrei MARCU, Director, ERCST and Senior Fellow, ICTSD
Yuji MIZUNO, Programme Director, IGES
13:40 – 14:30 Panel discussion
Martin HESSION, European Commission
El Hadji Mbaye DIAGNE, Senegal
Constanze HAUG, ICAP
Moderator: Andrei MARCU, Director, ERCST and Senior Fellow, ICTSD
14:30 – 15:00 Q&A discussion with audience