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Creating corporate value through best practice internal carbon pricing
Internal carbon pricing is a powerful tool to assess the climate-related risks and opportunities arising from the transition to a low-carbon economy. However, the advantages remain untapped by the companies that could benefit the most. In conjunction with Climate Week NYC 2017, Ecofys, The Generation Foundation, and CDP invite you to the presentation of two complementary corporate guides on internal carbon pricing to support a wider use of best practices globally.
The C-suite guide to creating corporate value with internal carbon pricing triggers board members to explore internal carbon pricing. The how-to guide to corporate internal carbon pricing provides practical step-by-step guidance to design and implement a tailored internal carbon pricing approach. The guides introduce a new framework for action through four dimensions that explain best practices in internal carbon pricing: height, width, length, and time.
The event will:
Provide practical insights into using internal carbon pricing to follow the FSB-TCFD recommendations by building resilience against climate-related risks, seize opportunities offered by the low-carbon transition, and demonstrate climate leadership by contributing a fair share to achieving the Paris Agreement goals using science-based targets
Share internal carbon pricing best practices, presented by leading industry practitioners who are pioneers in their thinking
Launch an industry consultation on the two upcoming guides
Please RSVP by September 15, 2017.