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The Scale of Deep Decarbonization
The outcomes from this event will be presented at a special event at COP23
In the Paris Agreement, every country is responsible for producing a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the period to 2030 and a Low-Emission Development Strategy (LEDs) to 2050 (Article 4). This one-and-a-half day Solutions Conference will assist nations in the technical preparations of their NDCs and LEDs, and is aimed at problem solving, brainstorming, and global cocreation, without inter-governmental negotiations or agreements. It will bring together technical experts and world-leading scientists and engineers, from business, academia, and civil society sectors, to share knowledge, exchange information, identify bottlenecks, discuss best practices, and prioritize future research in order to set common technological trajectories for a decarbonized economy as well as the transformations necessary in each sector.