Accelerating ambitious carbon pricing
Event Date: September 22nd, 2019, 10-11:30am
Venue: United Nations Headquarters, Room tbd
The 2019 UNSG Climate Action Summit is calling on leaders to present concrete, realistic plans to enhance their nationally determined contributions. Building on this, the objective of this event is to discuss and highlight concrete actions for governments, private sector and other stakeholders to undertake to fully implement carbon pricing measures. The event will also provide an opportunity for the announcement of support or calls for action by key stakeholders relating to the importance of carbon pricing to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The key actions will feed into the formal proceedings of the UN Climate Action Summit on September 23. Registration is required.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Speakers will include high-level representatives from the World Bank, the Office of the United Nations Secretary General, and the Republic of Korea.
Panel 1: Facilitating the Industry Transition through Carbon Pricing
This panel will highlight the Report of the High-Level Commission on Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness and discuss the role of carbon pricing in the industry transition to a carbon-neutral future.
Speakers will feature high-level representatives from DSM, Sasol, Shell, Bank of America, and the International Finance Corporation.
Panel 2: Strengthening institutional capacity of countries to price carbon
This panel will focus on government’s efforts to widen the uptake of carbon pricing and the importance of policy dialogue and readiness support.
Speakers will feature high-level representatives from The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, Colombia, Germany, Singapore, and the World Bank.
Closing Session