What makes the CPLC unique?
People often ask me what the CPLC does and what sets us apart among all those advocating for climate action. My response is that the CPLC is unique because of the myriad backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of its partners, as well as the ways in which the richness of this diversity is incorporated into its leadership style.
We are a coalition of leaders from across the international private and public sectors—as well as from civil society and the climate action community—dedicated to building a sustainable future through our own activities, as well as by inspiring others to get engaged. Through the reach of our partners, the CPLC has brought the issue of carbon pricing and the opportunities it offers to the highest echelons of government and to the forefront of the corporate world.
We look to, and analyze, examples of action around the globe in order to illustrate the applicability of different carbon pricing models. In doing so, we demonstrate that carbon pricing instruments should not be driven by “one-size-fits all” approaches, but should instead be tailored to reflect specific needs and circumstances, all while dispelling misconceptions on pricing and addressing real concerns from stakeholders.
Leaders from government, private sector, and civil society organizations gather for CPLC's 3rd High-Level Assembly on April 19, 2018 to take stock of global carbon pricing developments over the past year and chart a way forward.
Under the CPLC’s leadership, stakeholders spanning sectors have joined forces to call for raising ambition in climate action and to recognize the essential role carbon pricing must occupy in this effort. The Coalition is therefore intently focused on transforming advocacy into action. We draw on the collective knowledge and expertise of our partners to design business cases founded on strong analytics and research, and we respond to the specific questions of governments, businesses, and communities.
Above all, we provide a forum in which stakeholders can come together on equal footing and in a non-politicized manner to discuss their ideas, experiences, and opportunities for implementing carbon pricing. As a—literal and figurative—meeting point for fostering leadership across stakeholder groups, the CPLC represents a critical component of global collaboration and partnership on carbon pricing. Through this work, we can ensure that the centrality of carbon pricing in climate action strategies is widely recognized and advanced
About the Author
Angela Kallhauge is Head of the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition. In this capacity, she leads a team of professionals working in the CPLC Secretariat housed within the World Bank to engage governments and corporates, as well as other international organizations around the world, to advocate for carbon pricing policies. In consultation with CPLC's Co-Chairs and the Steering Committee, Angela also leads the development of CPLC's long-term strategy to undertake its advocacy activities, and mobilize action around carbon pricing.