CPLC - En+ High-Level Event COP26
November 3, 2021
2:15 - 3:15 PM Glasgow
Russian Pavilion
The CPLC convened a high-level expert taskforce – the Task Force on Net Zero Goals and Carbon Pricing – to explore the issue of net zero goals and the role of carbon pricing. Following the report launch in September, the CPLC High-Level Co-Chairs, Lord Gregory Barker and Minister Juan Carlos Jobet are joining forces to host a high-level event at COP 26 to advance the discussions around the findings from the Task Force report. This event also aims to amplify the advocacy effort of advancing the global agenda of carbon pricing through the global audience on the platform of COP 26.
Key questions for discussion in this event:
What can the public and private sector do to advance the net zero ambitions through carbon pricing?
How can carbon transparency (transparency on carbon emissions in institutional operations or across economies) incentivize the market towards cleaner methods of production and energy sources while creating green jobs and resilient communities?
How can carbon pricing and green trade liberalization contribute to promotion of low-carbon goods?
What is needed to build climate-resilient, clean and economically viable supply chains of the future?