New CPLC Partner: Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University


New CPLC Partner: Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University

In early March, the Carbon Tax Research Initiative at Columbia University's Center on Global Energy Policy (CGEP) joined the CPLC as an official partner. The Initiative explores key questions and implications related to the design and implementation of a carbon tax in the United States.

The purpose of CGEP's Carbon Tax Research Initiative is not to advocate for a particular policy, but rather to produce independent and data-driven research that enables the thoughtful consideration of federal carbon tax policy in the United States. Here are a few examples of their latest work:

  • Last year, the initiative released a series of reports that offer an in-depth look at various design options of carbon tax policy. The reports brought together research from Columbia's partners, including the Rhodium Group, Rice University, and the Tax Policy Center.

  • The initiative also analyzed Washington State's carbon fee ballot initiative 1631, and federal legislation introduced by former Congressman Curbelo, Senators Whitehouse and Schatz, and Congressman Deutch. The initiative also analyzed the role of the Social Cost of Carbon in taxes and subsidies, and alternatives that can be used in developing policies.

  • The initiative recently released a report and interactive tool that provides a framework for considering the interactions between a federal carbon tax and other policies that influence greenhouse gas emissions.

For more information, check out the initiative’s CPLC blog post here.